Monday 1 February 2010

How to Save a Sexless Marriage and Avoid Divorce

I know you want to know how to save a sexless marriage because you are tired of feeling rejected and inadequate within your relationship, and I hope this article will assist you. Surviving a marriage without sex is not an easy feat for anyone. Remaining optimistic will prove to be a key tool in ensuring success during this very difficult process. Okay, so you are not having sex with your spouse but is it really the end of the world?

Learn from your mistakes and do not be so hard on yourself. People can sometimes fool themselves into thinking that their situation is far worse than it actually is. Now is not the time to add pressure to the already difficult situation. Give yourself a break, after all in order for a marriage to work you need two individuals who put forth an honest effort. Life is all about learning from your experiences so that you will hopefully not have to endure the same pain multiple times.

Getting married is an option that you chose to make, so suck up the hardships and push forward. Is it that you want the sex or are you just feeling neglected because you are not getting any at all? Sometimes when you stop receiving sexual pleasure from your spouse it can cause you to feel insecure, unwanted, unloved, like you are less than a woman or man and these are all very understandable feels given your present conditions. You have to take care of you first. If you are the person in the marriage who feels that finding ways on how to save a sexless marriage will be worth the challenge then make sure that you are ready and up for the long road ahead. You have to prepare yourself mentally, physically and emotionally for what lies ahead.

Be honest with yourself. It is quite possible for you to live without sex but can you fathom living without your spouse? Love should be able to conquer all. I know it seems extremely cliche of me to say that but it is the truth. Even if you married your spouse because the sex was really good, I am pretty sure they possess other great qualities. Are they a good cook? Do they keep your home clean and organized? Are they the best parent they can possibly be to your child or children? Sex is not everything and it is time you start displaying this to your mate.

You can also try going to see a marriage counselor. They can sit the two of you down and get to the root of the problem. Your spouse might actually like the idea of having a mediator, so to speak, opposed to having to talk one on one to you about the situation. Although they are the one holding out on you, it can be a very difficult situation for them as well so try not to be judgmental and point fingers. You want to make this process as comfortable as possible so you can get back to getting busy in the bedroom.

Show your partner just how unimportant sex is to you. Do not misunderstand what I am saying here. What I really mean by this is, show your partner how important they are to you without sex playing a role. You can be romantic without the anticipation of getting something at the end of the night. Men and women alike sometimes think that the only reason a person does nice things for them is because they want something from them and this too is the case now.

All you want from your spouse is for them to be happy. Through your thoughtful gestures, you will be showing your spouse that you love them for them and not their body. The ultimate pleasure is giving pleasure. The answer to how to save a sexless marriage is with love, time and patience.

Now that you're ready, take the next steps to saving your marriage - Sexless Marriage Help

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